Quick Mike update

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Well we have finally found out why Mike is still sick. He has a massive kidney stone stuck in his ureter. It's a 5 mm stone and the ureter is about 3mm. So the wonderful kidney stone has wreaked havoc on his ureter. Enough so that they have to put a ureteral stent in. Michaella says that "Daddy has a big rock stuck in his little pee pee." I think this is the only time in his life that he will allow his pee pee to be described as little :).
So tomorrow he goes in for surgery at 2. They will go in and break up the stone with the ultrasound and they will place the stent. All of this will happen while he is asleep. Then a couple days later they will go and pull the stent out. This will happen while he is awake. He is not amused by the idea of being awake.
I am so glad that it is just a kidney stone and nothing more. There were times we worried it was cancer. So yeah for that. But not to say that this kidney stone is not painful. He is hopped up on drugs constantly and is nauseous for the pain. I really do feel for him and I am so excited to get it out so that he can be comfortable again.



oh ow. That is no fun. I hope everything goes well.