First Day of School

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Do I even need to say more??? My Baby girl started school. My life is over!!! :) I'm SO proud of her. What a glorious moment for a momma. Michaella asked me "Mommy why do you have a frog in your throat?" I told her it was because I was SO happy.

She was complaining because the sun was in her eyes... So this is what we got. Not her best look.

This was the first day of dropping her off at Kindergarten and her being there all by herself. We got there and she was nearly dragging me. She got there, dropped her backpack and hurriedly gave me a kiss and said "Bye Mom" running to the toys. That about killed me. But then....

This was her look as I walked off. So she screamed "MOM!" with a concerned look "bye mom". And I knew she still needed me. Phew!