The First part of June we took a little trip over to Idaho Falls for my Grandpa's 80th birthday party... it was cold and wet but it was well worth it. Here are pictures of Michaella with her Grandma and Grandpa Great and also with her 2nd cousin, Ethan. She fit right it even though she hadn't met most of the family before.

Fourth of July is always one of our favorite holidays. I love everything about it. BBQs, Parades, Fireworks and even the heat... we had it all this year!

Here is a candid shot of Michaella with her pod in her ears helping Dad weed. She is carrying around the bucket to fill with weeds.

Our Next favorite part of July is Snake River Dayz and the Stampede Rodeo. This year we also made it over to the Farmer's Market and to a Movie under the Stars. It was Hotel for Dogs and had a whole Dog theme and Activities for kids, it was a lot of fun.

We have also been spending a lot of time at the Nampa's version of the Roy "Frog" pool. I'm a picture Nazi I know.... So just keep looking and deal with it.

Last but not least, this last Friday Night Michaella and I caught a dollar movie and McDonalds with my wonderful Co-worker and her amazing boy Logen, Michaella loves hanging out with Logen.

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