Only in my world!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Well, I need to start from the beginning... We have this lovely English Pointer, Daisy. And she has more energy then any of us knows what to do with. Therefore she needs exercise and more than a little walk. So Darling Husband came up with this ingenious idea to have Daisy run next to the car as he drives 10-15 miles an hour. The first time he tried this it worked well. She was much more subdued and calm. Although I had my reservations about making a poor dog run 15 miles an hour, we thought we had come up with the solution.

Last night Darling Husband decides to give it another go. He loads Daisy up in the car and drives down the road to an area where there aren't houses or traffic. As she is running she starts to slow down. DH continues to push her thinking she is just being a butt head. But once he got home he realized what he had done. Her poor pads were bleeding. This morning as she wouldn't walk because it hurt so bad, the guilt set in. Had he only known what this would do, he wouldn't have done it. So Daisy got the star treatment and was left on the back deck with a blanket instead of the cemented dog run.

Out the door I go this morning headed to work. I walk up to my car door and what is smeared all down the side of it, but BLOOD! Lovely. I open the car door and inside what is everywhere on the upholstery? Lots of bloody dog prints. Lovely. After a phone call to DH discussing the frustration of blood all over on the inside of my car... I continue my journey down the freeway.

I was about 10 minutes from work when out of the corner of my eye, I see fire. I see fire in the lap of the man driving the car next to me; a second look and it wasn't there anymore. NOW, I'm not going crazy...this isn't the first time this baffling mystery had happened to me. I had seen this about a year or two ago. Same car, same driver. When it happened back then I followed that car to see the fire come and disappear a few times, only with the driver not flinching at all. I'm pretty sure this guy is a prankster. So this morning once again I want to figure this thing out. So with the driver in front of me I decided I wanted to get up next to him on the side... So I speed up a little (not too much as I'm in a construction zone) to be able to change lanes to the right of me. As I'm doing so what do I see but I different kind of Light... those red and blue ones in my rear view mirror.

I had been pulled over for following the car in front of me too closely. As he is explaining how he used his laser to measure the distance between my car and the car in front of me he notices... the BLOOD!

"Ma'am? Are you Okay?" In my head I'm thinking "wow, how am I going to explain this with out making DH look like a total animal abuser? or better yet with out him assuming I've killed somebody in my car and there might be a body in my trunk." I did my best but he still had his reservations that required him to ask one more time "Are you sure?" I responded with a positive yes. So back he goes to write my ticket.... YAY me!

Wait for it... it get's better

After what seemed like forever Office comes back. "Ma'am don't be alarmed. Some prankster on his cell phone called in and said the car I pulled over contained a man who jumped out and pointed a gun at me. So there might be a bunch of cars come sliding in here, but I've called them off." WOW.

So let's just think this through... Let's think about a possible scenario. Here I am driving along, getting pulled over, Blood ALL over in and on my car, possibly carrying a gun with which I am going to pull out and point at an officer. I'm face planted in the cement with my hands behind my back and cuffs around my wrist, trying to talk my way out of a misunderstanding.


And after all of that... I still got the ticket.


Stephanie said...

There aren't words. What a sucky morning. I thought mine was bad, check my blog, but I was mistaken. You take the prize. Or ticket, however you want to look at it! Hope you have a better day.

The Johnson Crew said...

Wow! What can I say to that.

Paula said...

My sympathies first ... and then I'll giggle just a little!

Stephanie said...

I'm glad you added the pictures. It makes it more horrific. Not to say it wasn't a nightmare to begin with. Poor puppy. Sometimes our best intetions aren't for the best.

Rachael said...

Oh Tiff. Only you. Are you recovering from your cement marks?!!!

Lindseylou said...

Um, still laughing. Sorry.