Family Pictures

Monday, December 1, 2008

This past weekend my brother came up for Thanksgiving. So I had him take some family pictures. Here are a few of them. I can't decide which ones I like so I am going to ask for a vote.... So I will number the pictures and I would like a democratic process to make this very important yearly decision.



If any of you in Utah like these pictures my Brother's link is on my page for jDye Photography. He needs to update his website, but you can get an idea if you read his blog. I did all the editing in adobe. Which I absolutely love doing. So if anyone has a picture they want edited just let me know.


Paula said...

I like #4 ... they're all good though. Looks like you found some interesting spots for pics!

Paula said...

Actually, it's #3 ... I picked up the wrong number.

Amy said...

My vote is for #3. There's at least a hint of smile on Mike's face!