
Friday, August 8, 2008

Okay so everyone who has always wondered if Nutrisystem works. No need to longer wonder. I am going to be your human guinea pig. I have ordered my first 28 day supply. It should be interesting. None of the food needs to be refrigerated or frozen so who knows how it tastes. I have been eating lean cuisines for lunch for a long time so I don't mind a little less taste. It isn't as if I'm going from wonderful delish hambugers and other yummy yummy fatty things. So I can assume it would be that big of a let down to my poor taste buds.


Lindseylou said...

Never questioned the results but seriously wonder about the taste. Thanks for putting your pallette on the line for the rest of us. Best of luck and remember - that which does not kill us makes us stronger! Way to take one for the team!

April said...

I hope it works for you! thanks for doing it cause I always wondered

jenica heslop said...

yes, i've crossed that name many times and always wondered, way to put yourselve on the line. best of luck, keep us posted!