A Blog for Lindsey

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Okay Lindsey you asked for one...here is your very own custom made blog.

Here is your Header. Click on the image and save to your computer or you can copy the Direct Link in the header section. Remember to select Reduce Image at the bottom before choosing the image.

Now for the Background. It works the same way as most of the other Blog Background sites.

1-In the 'Pick New Template' tab, you must change your template to 'minima' (not minima ochre or others, just plain white minima)

2-Log into to your blog and click on 'customize'

3-Click on 'edit html' on the far right

4- In thecode, scroll to where you see this: body {background:$bgcolor;margin:0; color:$textcolor; font:x-small Georgia Serif; font-size/* */:/**/small; font-size: /**/small; text-align: center;}

5-Change that part of the code to say this: body {background:$bgcolor;background-image:url(direct link);background-position: center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed;margin:0; color:$textcolor; font:x-small Georgia Serif; font-size/* */:/**/small; font-size: /**/small; text-align: center;}

6-Copy and paste the link below the background and paste it between the parenthesis where it says '(direct link)'

So there it is folks. If anyone else is interested give me an idea of what your looking for and what you want in the header and I will make it. Soon I will just add a bunch of back grounds, but I like to customize the blog header.


Lindseylou said...

WOW!! You are the woman!! I love it. Travis' fav color is black and mine is red, so I always try and stick with the two. Yea! It's perfect. How do you find the time!?! Ok, we'll see if I can get it on there now. Stay tuned...