1. Post rules on your Blog.
2. Answer the six "8" items.
3. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment.
8 Favorite Shows:
1. Grey's Anatomy
2.Private Practice
3. Dancing with the Stars
4.Desperate Housewives
5. Brothers & Sisters
6. Lipstick Jungle (bummed this one is canceled)
7.What not to Wear
8. Hannah Montana (this one is for Kaella)
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Drove to and from work
2. Worked :) or something close to that
3. Crocheted at lunch
4. Picked up prescription @ Walmart
5. Played with Adobe Photoshop (still figuring this out)
6. Skipped the gym....very out of the norm but my back hurt
7. Watched Grey's Anatomy
8. Went to sleep
8 Things I Look Forward Too:
2. Thanksgiving I love hosting guests
3. Christmas- I haven't been to Utah in over a year
4. Saturdays in the Coffee shop when Michaella is at ballet
5. Family outings of any kind
6. That feeling after you've worked out
7. Bedtime - I agree with you on this one Brandi!
8. Cuddling up to my husband or my dog or even Michaella while I drift off to sleep
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1 through 8 .
Any one I can talk Mike into going to
8 Things on my wish list:
1. A stress free home
2. A steady income
3. Happy child
4. Happy husband (maybe that should be #1)
5. Food on the table
6. A light at the end of the economic mess tunnel
7. For our troops to be safe especially my little brother
8. A long healthy life
8 People to Tag: Oh sure Brandi YOU complain about no one to tag
1. Rachael P
2. Rachael T
3. Lindsey
4. Jenica
5. Megann
6. Laura
7.I don't have many more friends Man these things always depress me :)
8. Any one who wants to pretend to be my friend by doing a silly tag.
8 things tag
Friday, November 21, 2008
Posted by Webster Family at 3:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Penny for my thoughts
Disney on Ice
Sunday, November 9, 2008
This weekend we had the chance to go to Disney on Ice with our Ballet friends Shaydynn and Angie(Mom). We did dinner and then we sat at our awesome 2nd row seats. We couldn't have had a better time. Michaella said that Belle was her favorite part. It is so great to have children it allows us to be kids again. I sang along the whole time. What a wonderful part Walt Disney has played in each of our lives!
A little clip from the finale
Posted by Webster Family at 4:16 PM 3 comments
Labels: Family Fun, The Family Foto Files
Civic Duty
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
This morning after much personal consideration I decided to vote. My biggest hold back was that I didn't know which candidate would most represent my concerns. Although I was still undecided up until the point I took out my pen to cast my vote, I knew it was my civic duty to vote. Voting gives all Americans a voice in the democratic process, a chance to weigh in on the important issues facing this country and the opportunity to elect the people they believe will safeguard their best interests. If I didn't vote I 'd have no voice to complain when I don't like the turn out.
Another sense of duty came from feeling I should set an example and teach my offspring the importance of being and American. So I offered the chance to my young American and she jumped on the offer to go with Mommy to vote.
So at the last minute I steered my car towards Precinct #13 voting headquarters. During our 45 minute wait in line and a lot of confusion I did try to get my 4 year old to make the decision for me but she was really torn between Barack Obama and John McCain. You'd be surprised how informed she is. But that said I made my choice (eeny-meeny-miney-mo) and with my ballot in hand I handed over my decision.
At this time I began to walk away and my 4 year old started crying. "Mommy, when do we get to go on the boat?"
Posted by Webster Family at 10:28 AM 2 comments
Labels: Penny for my thoughts
Saturday, November 1, 2008
As most of you know Halloween in our house is not just Halloween. It is also Michael's Birthday. So we have had a fun filled week of goblins and ghosts and growing older.
Michael felt much better today and decided that it was important that he push it and go hunting (what can I say he loves hunting). Anywho... it was worth it. After years and years of hunting he got his first tagged bird.
(Check out the picture this is a very vary rare event....Michael is actually smiling! )
Posted by Webster Family at 9:21 PM 2 comments
Labels: Family Fun, The Family Foto Files